The Legacy of Hoja Muhammad Porso

  • (1)  Gulamova Munisxon Makhmudovna            PhD student of the chair of History of Islam and source studies, philosophy, Bukhara state university  

    (*) Corresponding Author



Sufism, mentality, knowledge, conscience, recollection, memorizing, keep in memory, social life, moral maturity, soul health, student, spiritual maturity


This article expresses the work "Risolayi Qudsiya" (Holy Word) by Khoja Muhammad Porso, the great theorist of the Sufi tariqah of Naqshbanda, as well as the translation of this book and the sacred words expressed in it.


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How to Cite

Makhmudovna, G. M. . (2021). The Legacy of Hoja Muhammad Porso. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 19, 341-344.




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