Technologies, Methods and Techniques of Organizing a Foreign Language Learning Process

  • (1)  Boltaeva Gulilola Khurshid kizi            Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute  

    (*) Corresponding Author



foreign language, process, technologies, methods, techniques, modern learning system, computer, CALL, ICT, Internet materials


The use of new technologies in the educational process has become increasingly controversial in recent years. It is not just new technical tools, but also new instructional styles and methods, as well as a new learning orientation. The main goal we set for ourselves in using modern technologies in foreign language learning is to demonstrate how technology can be effectively used to improve the quality of teaching foreign language students, the formation and development of their communicative culture, and the learning of practical mastery of a foreign language. The purpose of this article is to emphasize the use of modern technologies in teaching English as a second language. It discusses different approaches and techniques which can assist English language students to improve their learning skills by using technology.


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How to Cite

kizi, B. G. K. . (2021). Technologies, Methods and Techniques of Organizing a Foreign Language Learning Process. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 18, 27-29.


