Techniques for ESP Students in Teaching English

  • (1)  Ibragimova Rayhona Abdimajitovna            Teachers, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology “Foreign languages department”  

    (*) Corresponding Author



English, Teaching, Techniques


This article discusses importance of using innovative technologies in teaching English . It also sets out important aspects of four skills: reading, listening, writing, speaking. Using various techniques and encouraging ESP learners to become independent, to seek out learning opportunities on their own and increase ESP students’ learning motivation. The concern of ESP to design appropriate courses for various groups of learners according to their needs and general English concerns on vocabulary work, spelling, grammar, pronunciation, language functions.


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How to Cite

Abdimajitovna, I. R. . (2021). Techniques for ESP Students in Teaching English. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 19, 315-318.



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