Development of a Study on the Vitkimological Prevention of Offenses During the Years of Independence
offense, victim, victimology, physical harm, Avesta, sharia, responsibilityAbstract
In the article, the development of victimological prevention of crimes by the internal affairs bodies is divided into separate stages, the features of each stage are briefly disclosed. Especially at the 5th stage, reflecting the years of independence, during this period the formation and development of scientific and theoretical views and important changes in this area were reflected. This approach is based on the scientific, theoretical and historical necessity of victimological crime prevention.
Криминология: Дарслик/ З.С. Зарипов, А.С. Якубов, Г.А. Аванесов вабошқ.; Т.: 2006. Б429.
аитқуловҚ.А.Ичкиишларорганларинингҳуқуқбузарликларвиктимологикпрофилактикаси: Монография//Юридик фанлар доктори, проф. И. Исмаиловнингтаҳририда. – Т.: ЎзбекистонРеспубликаси ИИВ Академияс и, 2021. – 123 б.
Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президентининг 2021 йил 21 мартдаги ПФ–6196 Фармони
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