The Need for Teachers to Be Trained in Professional Development Programs Tailored to Their Professional Development Trajectory

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professional development, individual trajectory


The article talks about the need for professional development programs in the professional development system of mathematics teachers, the need to implement them, the criteria of educational programs and ways to determine their quality. The necessity of training according to educational programs suitable for the trajectory of individual professional development of teachers, imperfection of the mechanism of variable development of educational programs of professional development courses, quick provision of the connection between the educational content and the specific needs of the audience, it appears as a solution to such problems as defining productive ways and methods of pedagogical influence, individualization and differentiation of the process based on modern requirements.

The analysis of training programs in advanced educational institutions showed that the main focus in them is on improving the general training of pedagogues, and the professional needs of pedagogues are not taken into account as a result of the use of the same method and methods for all. From this point of view, the training system faces important tasks that must be solved without delay. One of them is to transform a pedagogue from a passive object into an active, independent, aspiring, competitive subject, that is, a subject who understands the purpose and tasks of his activities and knows how and to what extent he should have professional skills, opportunities, and abilities. Therefore, it will be possible to direct the pedagogue to regularly increase his competence by forming an active life and professional position, changing his worldview, and creating an individual educational trajectory for his development.


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How to Cite

The Need for Teachers to Be Trained in Professional Development Programs Tailored to Their Professional Development Trajectory. (2023). Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 43, 72-79. Retrieved from