Household Level Factors Responsible for Gender Poverty Among Cassava Farmers in Odeda Local Government Area of Ogun State
Gender PovertyAbstract
Poverty is multidimensional, enduring and is prevailing not only globally, but also particular cultural, political and economic features of a specific country increasing it. The gulf between haves and have-nots has lingered. Gender disparities, inequality, spatial dimensions, political instability, week institutions and lack of spiritual capital causes the poverty. The objective of this study was to examine the determinants of poverty among cassava producing households by gender of household heads in Odeda local government area of Ogun state. A total of 120 cassava farming household comprising of 76 male headed households and 46 female headed households were interviewed using structured questionnaire, in obtaining information from them. The study revealed that there is a positive relationship between the household size and poverty status for both the female headed households and male headed households and also the age of the household head has a negative relationship with the poverty status of the female household while farm experience and off farm activities were negatively related to the poverty status among the male household. Also, it was found out that neither of the households dominates one another in the poverty analysis. It was concluded that the household size of both the male and female households is an important determinant of poverty status as it was significant to the poverty status of the respondents.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ayinde, Taiwo O, Omobowale Oni, Ayinde, Abayomi O, Agbonjinmi, L A, Disu Kehinde, Lily Dillimono, Ogunlabi, Julius A, Ogunode Niyi Jacob

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