Stages of student potential development in teaching biology

  • (1)  Abdurahmonova Iqbolkhon Yulchievna            Basic doctoral student of UzPFITI  

    (*) Corresponding Author


Blum taxonomy, gifted student, creative-intellectual potential, hierarchical tasks, independent learning activities, cognitive stage, adaptive stage, functional stage, intellectual stage, adequate, abstract knowledge, standard and non-standard learning tasks, induction, deduction, reproductive level, productive degree, partially exploratory degree


The article is devoted to the stages of identifying gifted students, creating conditions for teaching in accordance with international requirements, the use of modern methods in assessing their knowledge and the development of  talent in talented students. Today, the education system pays special attention to gifted students, creates the necessary conditions to support them, stimulates the aspirations of the younger generation to science, realizes their intellectual and creative potential.

In this regard, it is advisable to systematize talent development through standard and non-standard learning and test assignments and hierarchical assignments that ensure knowledge, understanding, application, analysis and synthesis and summarization learning objectives according to Blum’s taxonomy.


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How to Cite

Yulchievna, A. I. . (2021). Stages of student potential development in teaching biology. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 12, 68-73. Retrieved from


