The Role of the Rules of "Fundamentals of Life Safety" in the System of Sciences in General Secondary Schools

  • (1)  Saidkhonova Nazokat Joldasovna            Associate Professor of "Management and Planning of the State System in Emergencies" of the Institute of Civil Protection under the Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan  

    (*) Corresponding Author



education, upbringing, subject, system


The protection of the environment and human health, along with all aspects of our social life in the Republic, is one of the main directions of our policy. The main purpose, objectives, principles of connection with science, teaching students the rules of safety, the use of new teaching methods and the ability to act correctly in various emergencies, reduce casualties and damage, provide first aid to the injured. are ways to further increase the effectiveness of education.


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Имонкулова М.Т.,Субанова М., Савочкина В.В., Жумакадирова Ч.Ж., Клецова В.П Основы безопасности жизнедеятельности. Учебная программа для обще - образовательных школ (1-5 классы) Бишкек 2014.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 9, 2019 No 754 "On improving the procedure for training the population to act in emergencies and in the field of civil protection."



How to Cite

Saidkhonova Nazokat Joldasovna. (2021). The Role of the Rules of "Fundamentals of Life Safety" in the System of Sciences in General Secondary Schools. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 11.


