General and Conditional Peculiarities of Descriptive Means in «Baburname»

  • (1)  Dildora Khoshimova Madaminovna            DSc, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Tecnology, Namangan, Uzbekistan  

    (*) Corresponding Author



important role, irony and sarcasm, function of descriptive means, phenomena of life, personage’s speech


This article is devoted to define of pragmatic and linguocultural aspects of «Baburname» and problems of adequate translation of descriptive means are considered one of the topical issues of translation studies. Along with the fact that «Baburname» is considered to be a unique example of memoir genre it is recognized as encyclopedic work in world literature as well. The reason why the work is recognized at the world level does not lie in the fact that the events are exact from historical aspect but this beautiful work has a firm scientific and literary basis for Uzbek people to study the history of literary-cultural relations with the other people of the world. The work is not only a literary memory.


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How to Cite

Madaminovna, D. K. . (2021). General and Conditional Peculiarities of Descriptive Means in «Baburname». Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 19, 225-228.


