Effect of Biostimulator Norms on the Growth and Development of Sunflowers

  • (1)  Yuldasheva Zulfiya Kamalovna            Associate Professor of department of Plant Science and Oilseed Crops, Tashkent State Agrarian University  

  • (2)  Karabaeva Dilfuza Juraevna            Teacher of the Department of Botany, Termez State University  

    (*) Corresponding Author




Oily sunflower, variety, seed, options, biostimulator, micronutrient, spending norm, yield, basket, praxis period


In this article, it was studied the effect of biostimulants "UZGUMI", "Fitovak", "Bioduks" and MERS on the growth and development of oilseed sunflower variety "Dilbar" in the conditions of typical irrigated sierozem soils of Tashkent region. When using MERS micronutrients, it was found that the survival of plants at the time of harvest is high, and the number of seeds in one basket is also high. The application of MERS micronutrient 4.0 ml / t, Fitovak biostimulator 400 ml / t has been scientifically proven to form a complete and abundant number of seeds in the basket.


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How to Cite

Kamalovna, Y. Z. ., & Juraevna, K. D. . (2021). Effect of Biostimulator Norms on the Growth and Development of Sunflowers. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 19, 92-96. https://doi.org/10.47494/mesb.2021.19.938


