Influence of Sowing Norm on Oily Sunflower Yield Elements

  • (1)  Yuldasheva Zulfiya Kamalovna            Associate professor of department of Plant Science and Oil Crops, Tashkent State Agrarian University  

    (*) Corresponding Author



oily sunflower, variety, variant, sowing norm, yield, elements, basket, seed


The article states that the effect of sowing norms of oilseed sunflower on yield elements and productivity of local Dilbar and Russian Irtish, Skormas varieties was studied experimentally in the conditions of typical irrigated sierozem soils of Tashkent region. The number of yield elements and the yield in the variant with 50 thousand seeds / ha per hectare (43.5, 39.9 and 40.9 c / ha) and the weight of 1000 seeds in the variant with 40 thousand seeds per hectare (112.3, 106.8, 94.6 g) were found to be heavier than the options in which the planting rate was increased. Local Dilbar variety has been proven to have higher yield elements than Russian varieties.


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How to Cite

Kamalovna, Y. Z. . (2021). Influence of Sowing Norm on Oily Sunflower Yield Elements. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 18, 346-350.


