Artistic interpretation of the mythonyms of Angel and Devil in the works of A.Navoi

  • (1)  Rajabova Marifat Bakaevna            Associate Professor of Uzbek Literature department Bukhara State University  

    (*) Corresponding Author



folklore, myth, written literature, angel, devil, fairy, spirit


The work of Hazrat Alisher Navoi was formed on the basis of a spiritual treasure that has passed a rich and long historical path of development. The work of the great poet is connected with the oral tradition of the people on the one hand, and with the Qur'an and Hadith, which are the main sources of Islam, on the other hand. Stylistic folklorisms emerged as a result of the effective influence of folklore genres, motives and images in the works of A. Navoi. In the article A. The originality of the use of angelic and satanic mythonyms used in Navoi's works and the motives put forward by them are analyzed.


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How to Cite

Rajabova Marifat Bakaevna. (2020). Artistic interpretation of the mythonyms of Angel and Devil in the works of A.Navoi. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 5.



Social Sciences