Attitude to labor in Russian and Uzbek cultures (on the example of folk proverbs)

  • (1)  Isaeva Gulnora Abdukadirovna            Senior Lecturer of Department of Russian Language and Literature Philology faculty Bukhara State University  

    (*) Corresponding Author



proverb, paroemia, ethnicity, culture, language


The article is devoted to the study of Russian and Uzbek proverbs about labor. As a result of the research, five categories were identified: attitudes toward work, effort, timely work, skill, and patience. The authors of the article identified similar and distinctive features in the proverbs of the studied languages.


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How to Cite

Isaeva Gulnora Abdukadirovna. (2020). Attitude to labor in Russian and Uzbek cultures (on the example of folk proverbs). Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 5.



Political Science