Use of mouthwashes in the treatment of chronic catarrhal gingivitis in children

  • (1)  Muzaffarov Bekzod Yunusovich            Bukhara state medical Institute, Uzbekistan  

  • (2)  Saidov Akbar Ahadovich            Bukhara state medical Institute, Uzbekistan  

    (*) Corresponding Author



periodontal diseases, anaerobic microorganisms, micloflora, composition, pathegenic microflora


Inflammatory periodontal diseases are a serious problem of modern dentistry due to the high prevalence, complexity of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients. The least studied pathology to date is aggressive periodontitis, in which active destruction of the supporting tissues of the teeth begins at a young age and in a relatively short period of time leads to massive tooth loss [Grigoryan A. S ssoavt., 2004; Dmitrieva L. A., 2007; grudyanov A. I., 2010; Jin L. J. et al., 2011;WolfD.L., Lamster I. B., 2011; Ohrn K., Jonsson V., 2012]. The prevalence of inflammatory periodontal diseases is extremely high and reaches according to various authors from 70 to 98 %. In this regard, improving the methods of diagnosis and treatment of these diseases is a serious problem of dentistry.


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How to Cite

Muzaffarov Bekzod Yunusovich, & Saidov Akbar Ahadovich. (2020). Use of mouthwashes in the treatment of chronic catarrhal gingivitis in children. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 5.




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