The role of english for specific purposesteacher of pedagogical

  • (1)  Azizova Gulnoza Ganijanovna            Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages  

    (*) Corresponding Author


Creativity, pedagogy, the subject , the purpose of science, the tasks of science, the object of science, the subject of science, the structure of science, the main categories of science, the relationship of creative pedagogy with other disciplines, research methods


In this article, modern technologies of foreign language teaching are aimed at the formation and development of multicultural competence - the ability and readiness to interact with different cultures in different languages, its formation and development in traditional forms of education.  The fact that the pincha occurs spontaneously, from time to time, as well as the existence of modern and classical methods of its purposeful formation, in particular, the interplay of value-semantic relations, behavioral and linguistic patterns  It is written about getting acquainted with language and culture as an understanding of the mystery.  For example, in-depth study of a foreign language.  Modern foreign language teaching is characterized by students' personality change, expansion and deepening of self-awareness and worldview, formation and development of relations with themselves and the world through the introduction of new linguistic reality, secondary linguistic personality  appears as the most important indicator of intercultural competence


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How to Cite

Ganijanovna, A. G. . (2021). The role of english for specific purposesteacher of pedagogical. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 12, 430-434. Retrieved from


