Ways to improve the physical education of children aged 5-7 in preschool institutions
preschool, physical, educational institutions, children, education, active mental performance is requiredAbstract
The article discusses ways to improve the physical education of children aged 5-7 in preschool institutions. Physical exercise in preschool educational institutions with children between the ages of two and seven has a variety of forms. Physical education is the main form of educational work. Morning exercises are one of the most important recreational activities of the kindergarten regimen. Physical education is used in classes for the development of speech, mathematical concepts, etc., where concentration of attention, active mental performance is required. Outdoor games are held every day for a walk. Physical culture leisure is carried out 1-2 times a month for 20-30 minutes in younger groups and 45-50 minutes in senior and preparatory groups. Physical culture holidays are held at least twice a year in the middle and preparatory groups. Independent motor activity of children is organized at different times of the day: in the morning before breakfast, between classes, on daytime and evening walks, during game hours after naps.
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