Numbers and similarities in their use in English and Uzbek Folklore

  • (1)  Mukhtorova Maftuna Ilkhom kizi            Bukhara State University  

    (*) Corresponding Author


Numbers, three, seven, folk tales, plot, character, image, repetition, expansion, situation, adventurous character


The article discusses the use of certain numbers in English and Uzbek folklore literature and their different meanings, as well as their use in different situations and their contribution to the development of events. In particular, the special significance of the numbers seven and three in the English and Uzbek peoples and the concept of stylistic painting in them are illustrated by examples


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How to Cite

kizi, M. M. I. . (2021). Numbers and similarities in their use in English and Uzbek Folklore. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 12, 175-177. Retrieved from


