Lyro-epic literary fairy tales in uzbek children's literature
Uzbek folklore, fairy tale, literary fairy tale, fairy tale novel, poetic fairy taleAbstract
Uzbek children's literature appeared and developed in the early twentieth century.
World children's literature, Uzbek classical literature, Uzbek folklore have played an important role in
the emergence of Uzbek children's literature, its types and genres. Genres such as folk tales, riddles,
and goddesses have become part of children's literature. In particular, the fairy tale genre was stylized
and created new genres. While folk tales are epic, Uzbek children's literature has epic, dramatic, and
lyrical-epic tales. Such works are a synthesis of two genres. For example, from the synthesis of the
genre of fairy tales and novels to the genre of fairy tales, from the genres of fairy tales and short stories
to the genres of fairy tales, fairy tales and dramas
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