Activity portfolio on methodology

  • (1)  Mamadov Norpolat Suyarovich            Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Uzbek State University of World Languages. Uzbekistan  

    (*) Corresponding Author



activity modification, learner-centeredness, diversity in the classroom, different levels of language proficiency


Particular article describes the necessity of materials adaption, such as: improving the
ability to integrate multiple skills into classroom, meet every pupils’ learning styles and their needs.
One of the purposes is to bring diverse methodology, create low-effective atmosphere in the classroom.
Moreover, teach pupils to work collaboratively. Demonstrated activity modifications are mostly
appropriate for school context, as it builds strong background and motivational force to learn target
language. Required skills and learning outcomes are given in each activity modification.


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How to Cite

Mamadov Norpolat Suyarovich. (2021). Activity portfolio on methodology. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 11.



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