Nominative predicate and reported speech

  • (1)  Safarov Firuz Sulaimonovich            Associate professor of the Department of Theory of Primary Education. Bukhara State University. Uzbekistan  

  • (2)  Jumaev Erkin Boltaevich            Teacher of German and French languages department. Bukhara State University. Uzbekistan  

    (*) Corresponding Author



nominative, predicate, component and contextual analysis, text analysis, dialogic microtext, macrotext, indirect report


The article undergoes component and text analysis of one of the varieties of
communicative meaning, that is, indirect report. An attempt is being made to more fully disclose the
features of noun-predicate based on micro texts taken from fiction.


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How to Cite

Safarov Firuz Sulaimonovich, & Jumaev Erkin Boltaevich. (2021). Nominative predicate and reported speech. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 11.



Social Sciences