The Role And Importance of Emotional Intelligence in the Activities of Representative Bodies

  • (1)  Kholbaev Shahkriyor Abdullaevich            Associate professor of the Academy of Public Administration under the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan  

  • (2)  Sulaymanova Dildora Kodirovna            Senior lecturer of the Academy of Public Administration under the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan  

    (*) Corresponding Author


emotion, intelligence, management, employee, positive and negative emotions, board, effective communication.


in the article, based on the theoretical analysis of the main signs of emotional intelligence in effective communication with the people in the activities of local state representative bodies, the role and importance of emotional intelligence in effective communication of these approaches in practice is covered, and relevant tips are developed.


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How to Cite

Kholbaev Shahkriyor Abdullaevich, & Sulaymanova Dildora Kodirovna. (2024). The Role And Importance of Emotional Intelligence in the Activities of Representative Bodies. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 44(2), 50-53. Retrieved from



Political Science