Linguopoetic Characteristics of Parentheses in Erkin A’zam’s Works

  • (1)  Shoirakhan Toshkhujaeva Ganievna            Teacher of Kokan State Pedagogical Institute  

    (*) Corresponding Author


parantez, lingvopoetic, expressive syntax, parantetical position, parantetical tasks


In per the parantez case and their study in modern uzbek linguistics were explored. In addition, in Erkin A’zam works parantez was analyzed and their lingvopoetic investigation were showed. In terms of given feature of the works the writer aim and his achievement into modern uzbek linguistics were evaluated.


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How to Cite

Ganievna, S. T. . (2022). Linguopoetic Characteristics of Parentheses in Erkin A’zam’s Works. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 30, 123-126. Retrieved from


