Theory and Practice of Forming Universal Learning Actions in Younger School Children

  • (1)  Gulchehra Insapova            Teacher of Namangan state university  

    (*) Corresponding Author


modernization of education, competency -based approach, competence, ability to learn, universal learning activities (ULA, cognitive ULA, , communicative ULA, regulatory ULA


This article analyzes the factors that determine the need for the formation of future-oriented skills in primary school students, considers the essence of communicative universal universal learning activities (ULA) as skills that need to be laid in all lessons.In the modern world, the modernization of the educational system is characterized by high requirements for the quality of education for children. The processes of globalization and the intensive development of new information technologies require a rethinking of the goals and content of the educational process by searching for new approaches to the development of pedagogical technologies and the creation of teaching models for the development of students 


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How to Cite

Insapova, G. (2022). Theory and Practice of Forming Universal Learning Actions in Younger School Children. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 24, 138-141. Retrieved from


