Viscosities of binary liquid mixtures of polar and non-polar solvents at 303.15 k

  • (1)  Sandeep Sudhanshu            Lecturer in Chemistry, +2 Raj School, Darbhanga  

    (*) Corresponding Author



Viscosity, molecular interactions, excess viscosity, polarizability


This paper explains the various characteristics of liquid and liquid mixtures. In this paper viscosities for the binary liquid mixtures of methyl ethyl ketone with benzene, nitrobenzene, cblorobenzene and bromobenzene were determined at 303.15 K. The deviation in viscosity was calculated and its behaviours was studied as a function of mole fraction. The deviation in viscosity is negative in the system methyl ethyl ketone with benzene and is positive in the other systems. The results were discussed in terms of interactions.


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How to Cite

Sandeep Sudhanshu. (2020). Viscosities of binary liquid mixtures of polar and non-polar solvents at 303.15 k. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 6, 80-82.


