Mythology in folklore and its features

  • (1)  Hikmatova Muqadas Nurilloevna            Associate professor, Candidate of philological sciences, head of ESP for Humanitarian Subjects, Bukhara State University  

    (*) Corresponding Author



folklore, folk music, kolk theater, folk dances, folk circus, mytological concepts


In the article, folk art - artistic, creative-practical and amateur activity of the masses; folklore, folk music (folklore), folk theater (performing arts), folk dances (dances), puppetry, wood and wooden foot games (folk circus), folk fine and applied arts of traditional material and intangible culture information and examples of art and technical and artistic hobbies


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How to Cite

Hikmatova Muqadas Nurilloevna. (2020). Mythology in folklore and its features. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 6, 63-66.



Philosophy. Psychology. Religion

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