Syntax of Russian Proverbs

  • (1)  Israilova Gulnara Mamadzhanovna            Lecturer: Kokand State Pedagogical Institute  

    (*) Corresponding Author



classification, definition, syntactic constructions, features, proverbs, grammatical structure, phonetic character, aspects, sayings, language


In this article, the main characteristic of the syntax of Russian proverbs is studied. The main definitions are given, the moment about the proverb as a genre is considered. The main features of the grammatical structure and the phonetic nature of Russian proverbs are indicated. In addition, the main features of Russian proverbs have been studied, which primarily include: brevity of presentation, clear expression of thought, fairly widespread use in everyday speech, the use of well-known clichés, the invariability of the composition and order of the constituent parts of the proverb, reproduction in colloquial speech, usually in ready-made .. Also, the work contains proverbs of various types, which are classified according to syntactic constructions. Proverbs with the presence of a simple sentence in them are considered; compound and compound with a subordinate place; non-union complex sentence; dash; colons. The proverbs presented in the classifications are analyzed according to their syntactic constructions. The article fully examines and studies the main aspects of the proverbs of the Russian language with their main features, important features of various kinds and classifications according to syntactic constructions.


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How to Cite

Mamadzhanovna, I. G. . (2022). Syntax of Russian Proverbs. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 22, 72-76.


