"Technology of Critical Thinking in Russian Language and Literature Lessons in 5-6 Grades"

  • (1)  Shokosim Abdurahimov Abdurakhmonovich            Lecturer at Kokand State Pedagogical Institute  

    (*) Corresponding Author




Critical thinking, grades 5-6, method, teacher, subject, information, analyze, solutions, consider, modern school technology


In the article, the technology of critical thinking in the lessons of the Russian language and literature in grades 5-6 is given to the development of students' mental skills necessary for study and everyday life (the ability to make informed decisions, work with information, analyze, consider various aspects of the decision). The technology for the development of critical thinking is an integral system that forms the skills and abilities of working with information in the lessons of Russian and literature.


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How to Cite

Abdurakhmonovich, S. A. . (2022). "Technology of Critical Thinking in Russian Language and Literature Lessons in 5-6 Grades". Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 22, 64-68. https://doi.org/10.47494/mesb.v22i.1108


