The effect of various hepatoprotectors on pathological syndromes in chronic liver diseases and determination of the specific gravity of drug groups

  • (1)  Nurbaev Farmon Ergashevich            Department of folk medicine and professional diseases  

  • (2)  Umarov Firuz Kholmurodovich            Assistant of the department of rehabilitation, sports medicine and physical culture  

  • (3)  Yuldashova Shakhlo Toyirovna            Assistant of the department of the public health and healthcare management Bukhara State Medical Institute  

    (*) Corresponding Author



chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatoprotector, cholestasis, cytolytic syndrome


Chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver and their consequences remain a global medical and social problem in the world. In the clinical practice of previous years, a variety of drugs were used as means of pathogenetic therapy, many of which turned out to be ineffective and went out of use. At the same time, widely known data on the ability of liver tissue to regenerate allow a rather high assessment of the prospects and potential possibilities of pathogenetic therapy of chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis using hepatoprotectors [1.2.5].

Drug therapy for patients with liver pathology should always be as economical as possible. In each case, it is necessary to compare the degree of necessity of prescribing the drug and the potential danger of its side effects. In the treatment of patients with liver diseases, polypharmacy is extremely undesirable, and the prescribed doses, as a rule, should not exceed the average therapeutic and course [9.10.12].


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How to Cite

Nurbaev Farmon Ergashevich, Umarov Firuz Kholmurodovich, & Yuldashova Shakhlo Toyirovna. (2020). The effect of various hepatoprotectors on pathological syndromes in chronic liver diseases and determination of the specific gravity of drug groups. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 6, 31-34.


