Diachronic Study of Textile and Light Industry Terms in English and Uzbek

  • (1)  Sayfulbot Azamov            Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology Department of “Foreign Languages”  

    (*) Corresponding Author




descriptive means, personage’s speech, epithet, simile, metaphor, metonymy, Babur’s attributive word combination


This article provides important information on the diachronic study of terms related to modern textile and light industry technology. The formation and development of each terminological system is inextricably linked with the formation and development of the industry, and acquires a sectoral specificity. The article examines the composition, formation and development of English and Uzbek textile and light industry terminology on the basis of scientific sources, its development path, genetic basis, content, what lexical units were called in the past.


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Terminology from the Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interpretes agréés du Québec website

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Faoterm from the FAO TERMINOLOGY website

The Online Dictionary of Language Terminology

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How to Cite

Azamov, S. . (2021). Diachronic Study of Textile and Light Industry Terms in English and Uzbek. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 19, 233-235. https://doi.org/10.47494/mesb.2021.19.970


