Reflection of Archaisms in the Translations of "Boburnoma"

  • (1)  Sadikov Kamoliddin            Doctoral Student of Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology  

    (*) Corresponding Author



classical form, Turkish language, Archaisms, translation, Translation studies, Modern writers, consumer words, tradition, classical literature, pragmatic


The study of manuscripts and translations of the text "Boburnoma" in the world literary process is of great interest to orientalists and translators. The fact that "Boburnoma" has been translated into more than 16 languages of the world is a clear proof of this. The problem of highlighting the linguocultural aspects of the translation of "Boburnoma" and the adequate translation of units of measurement into English is one of the most pressing issues in translation studies.


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How to Cite

Kamoliddin, S. . (2021). Reflection of Archaisms in the Translations of "Boburnoma". Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 19, 211-213.



Language and Literature