The Role of Practical Training and Modern Approaches in Teaching Morphology

  • (1)  Atiyazov Safarboy Jumamuratovich            Researcher of Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan, Nukus  

    (*) Corresponding Author



Uzbek language, modern Uzbek literary language, morphology, teaching, practical training, higher education


The article is devoted to the analysis of issues of teaching the level of morphology in the discipline "Modern Uzbek literary language" in the bachelor's degree in Uzbek language and literature. modern approaches to the front are highlighted. The article describes the types of work of teachers and students in the practical classes.


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How to Cite

Jumamuratovich, A. S. (2021). The Role of Practical Training and Modern Approaches in Teaching Morphology. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 18, 467-473.


