Application of Modern Spectrophotometers for Determining the Amount of Phosphorus (V) Anhydride in Phosphoric Compounds
UV-spectrophotometer, optical density, calibration graph, ammonium molybdate, citrate solution.Abstract
In this article traditional and modern methods for determining phosphoric anhydride are compared and highlighted the advantages of modern UV spectrophotometer equipment for determining the optical density of substances using ultraviolet radiation.
The quantitative method to measure the concentration of a sample with unknown concentration from the absorption of a sample with known concentration is provided in two methods: The calibration curve method and the standard additive method. The UV-1280 spectrophotometer is designed for measurements in the wavelength range from 190 to 1100 nm and allows you to work in various modes: photometric, spectral, kinetic, quantitative, and biomedical. In particular, to determine the amount of phosphoric anhydride, its photometric model was chosen, and the wavelength was adjusted to 440 nm.
During the experiments, it turned out that almost all types of spectrophotometers can determine the optical density. The amount of P2O5 mg is determined using the graph and related formula. From the results of the following analysis, it can be seen that the value obtained when performing the indicators of both measuring instruments based on the same methodological manual does not differ significantly. This conclusion is also valid for FEK photoelectric colourimeters, which are considered a traditional method.
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