Modern Views on the Prevalence, Etiology and Pathogenesis of Dental Fluorosis in Children
fluorosis, prevalence, etiology, pathogenesis, dental hard tissuesAbstract
Fluorosis is an endemic disease caused by fluoride intoxication and resulting from the consumption of drinking water with a high fluoride content. One of the earliest signs of fluorosis is tooth damage. The concentration of fluoride in water exceeding 6 mg / l can cause changes in already formed teeth. The percentage of the prevalence of fluorosis by countries and continents has been established - in African countries 46% - 84%, in North America - 22% - 78%, in South America - 53% - 89%, in Australia - 17% - 32%, in Europe - from 15% to 100%. Analyzing the information on the pathology of fluorosis in the available literature, it can be concluded that to date, no unified provisions on the causes and mechanisms of the formation of dental fluorosis have been formulated. This problem is an urgent problem and the need for further research.
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