Psychological Features of the Formation of the Personality of the Teacher of the Karakapak School

  • (1)  Saparov Shingis Baxiyevich            Psychological Features of the Formation of the Personality of the Teacher of the Karakapak School  

    (*) Corresponding Author



Strengths, abilities, intelligence, technology, ideas, educational activities


For the effective implementation of the educational process in higher education, there should be a continuous interaction between students and teachers. This influence differs from the relationship between a secondary school teacher and a student, or between a lyceum and college teacher and a student, which, on the one hand, depends on the age characteristics between them, depending on their socio-legal status, in the classroom in the form of "teacher-teacher" and "student-listener", outside the classroom, friendly, brotherly, and even "parent-child" It is expedient. However, to date, the psychology of higher education, the psychological environment between students and teachers in it has not been thoroughly analyzed.


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How to Cite

Baxiyevich, S. S. . (2021). Psychological Features of the Formation of the Personality of the Teacher of the Karakapak School. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 18, 180-186.


