Improving the Preparation of Children for School Education on the Basis of the Curriculum in the Preschool System

  • (1)  M. A . Esonova            Senior teacher at the department of Preschool Education, Kokand state pedagogical institute, Uzbekistan  

    (*) Corresponding Author



preschool education, curriculum, preparation for school education, child’s personality, age group, level of education, innovative teaching technologies


The culture and social consciousness of any nation is determined by its mental health, mental strength and high level of education. Preschool education is education imparted to children in 3-6 years age group. It is the first stage of organized education. Preschool education is also known as pre-primary education. Children are born with an incredible capacity and desire to learn. It is important that children are provided with rich experiences through play and activities that develop critical thinking and problem-solving, understanding about themselves which are age and developmentally appropriate. This article examines the issue of improving preparation of children for school education in the preschool education system.


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The "First Step Program" is a state curriculum for preschool education

State requirements for the development of children of primary and preschool age in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Theoretical and practical bases of increase of efficiency of education (Collection of scientific and methodical articles for higher educational institutions of the Republic)

Family and children (S. Nazarova)

The way to the child's heart (S. Nazarova)



How to Cite

Esonova, M. A. . (2021). Improving the Preparation of Children for School Education on the Basis of the Curriculum in the Preschool System. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 18, 24-26.


