The Role of the Media in Combating the Negative Effects of Ideological Threats

  • (1)  Matluba Minavarovna Yuldasheva            Associate Professor, Department of National idea, spirituality basics and law education Kokand state pedagogical institute  

    (*) Corresponding Author



Man, society, past, history, development, goodness, destructive, creative, ideology, idea, information, globalization, threat, egocentrism, cosmopolitanism


The article focuses on the role of the media, which serves the interests of the people, along with the ideas and ideologies that hinder the development of society. At the same time, ideological threats stem from the strategic goals of selfish forces and serve as a powerful weapon in the organization of various geopolitical "games". The establishment of political centers with strong infrastructure and means of communication aimed at achieving strategic goals creates the basis for their expansion.


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How to Cite

Yuldasheva, M. M. . (2021). The Role of the Media in Combating the Negative Effects of Ideological Threats. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 18, 11-13.



Political Science