Specifics and Principles of Organization of the Activities of Internal Affairs Bodies

  • (1)  Eraliev Azam Bakhtiyor ugli            ndepende nt researcher of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs  

    (*) Corresponding Author




body, system, police, state, mechanism, program


In this thesis the subject of peculiarities and principles of the organization of activity of internal affairs bodies is scientifically and theoretically studied. Also, thesis provides a detailed analysis of the scientific views of scientists on the specifics and principles of the organization of internal affairs bodies.


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How to Cite

ugli, E. A. B. (2021). Specifics and Principles of Organization of the Activities of Internal Affairs Bodies. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 17, 268-274. https://doi.org/10.47494/mesb.2021.17.811


