Parental Participation as a Factor of Successful Social Adaptation of Children to the Conditions of the Preschool Educational Institution

  • (1)  Zohidova Sanoat Rakhmonovna            Dean of the Faculty of Preschool Education of the Uzbekistan-Finland Pedagogical Institute of Samarkand State University, Associate Professor, PhD  

    (*) Corresponding Author


preschool education, preschool educational institution, parents, family, educators, parenting attitude


The article reveals the essence, structure and possibilities of a new form of interaction between a family and a preschool educational institution  parental participation  in the process of adaptation of children to kindergarten.


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How to Cite

Sanoat Rakhmonovna, Z. . (2021). Parental Participation as a Factor of Successful Social Adaptation of Children to the Conditions of the Preschool Educational Institution. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 17, 163-167. Retrieved from



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