Feminism and the Concept of Gender Equality and its Social Philosophical Content

  • (1)  Sobirova Zilolaxon            Fergana State University, Associate Professor of Philosophy  

    (*) Corresponding Author




feminism, democracy, ideology, political movement, gender equality


The article deals with the concept of feminism and its ontological genesis and epistemological essence, primarily related to the struggle for human rights and freedoms.


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Huseynova A.A. Civil society and women. Bukhara: Agro Print, 2009. –P.52.

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In the same place.

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See Sovremennaya zapadnaya filosofiya: Slovar. –M .: Politizdat, 1991. –S. 308-309.

See Millet K. Sexual Politics. –N.V., 1970; Feminism and Political Theory. - L., 1986; Friedan B. Joe feminine Mystique. –M.Y., 2006; Feminism in general and literature. –M .: Grifon, 2006.

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А л и м а с о в В. Гендер фалсафаси. –Тошкент: Фалсафа ва ҳуқуқ инст. нашр., 2007. –Б.28.



How to Cite

Zilolaxon, S. . (2021). Feminism and the Concept of Gender Equality and its Social Philosophical Content. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 17, 117-120. https://doi.org/10.47494/mesb.2021.17.778



Philosophy. Psychology. Religion