Ways to Improve the Efficiency of Production of Services in the Economy

  • (1)  Nodir Anvarov            Research trainee, Samarkand State University  

    (*) Corresponding Author




Efficiency, development, economics, costs, effect, market, competition, income, production, finance, public-private partnership, enterprises, quality, business


The article analyzes the main trends and examines the essential features and directions of development, the level of production efficiency is also due to the impact of both intensive and extensive factors. The intensive include what determines the improvement in the quality of production elements - the use of more advanced elements of the production process in comparison with the existing means of production, the improvement of their interaction in the manufacture of products.


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How to Cite

Anvarov, N. . (2021). Ways to Improve the Efficiency of Production of Services in the Economy. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 16. https://doi.org/10.47494/mesb.2021.16.746


