Toluene Adsorption on Polyhydroxyaluminum Montmorillonite

  • (1)  I. M. Boymatov            Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, Ferghana, Uzbekistan  

    (*) Corresponding Author



Polyhydroxyaluminum, Montmorillonite


Changes in the surface properties and porous structure of montmorillonite were studied when sodium ions were replaced by polyhydroxyaluminum ones. A preliminary thermal vacuum has a significant effect on the adsorption properties of polyhydroxyaluminum montmorillonite. According to the series of isotherms of sorption of toluene on dehydrated polyhydroxyaluminium montmorillonites, the dependence of the temperature changes of PHAM (293K - 423K - 523K - 773K) on the amount of adsorption and desorption of toluene was established. The appearance of maxima is due to the interaction of adsorbate molecules with active centers and with each other due to compaction during filling of the volumes of slit micropores.


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How to Cite

Boymatov, I. M. . (2021). Toluene Adsorption on Polyhydroxyaluminum Montmorillonite. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 16.


