Features and Differences of the Parallel Corpus of English and Uzbek Languages

  • (1)  Norov Jamshid Nurulloyevich            A teacher of Academic Lyceum of Bukhara Engineering Technological Institute, Bukhara city  

    (*) Corresponding Author




A parallel corpus, national corpus, Uzbek linguistics, corpus linguistics, dialectology, quantitative, qualitative analysis


A parallel corpus consists of texts that have been translated one / more than the original. Which topic to PC, the choice of text in the genre depends on the purpose of the compiler. When choosing a text for the Uzbek-English PC, it is advisable to collect translations from Uzbek into English and direct translations from English into Uzbek. Because some units may lose their value in indirect translation, the PC cannot fully perform its function, so texts that translate directly from the original to the PC are included.


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The Collected Tales of Nikolai Gogol / translator Pevear R., Volokhonsky L. New York: Pantheon Books, 1998. – 435 p.

The Lady with the Dog and Other Stories by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov // Project Gutenberg: URL: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/13415



How to Cite

Nurulloyevich, N. J. . (2021). Features and Differences of the Parallel Corpus of English and Uzbek Languages. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 16. https://doi.org/10.47494/mesb.2021.16.706



Language and Literature