Establishment and Formation of the Archaeological Information System of the Samarkand Region in the Soviet Period and in the Years of Uzbekistan's Independence

  • (1)  Farmanova Gulnara Komilevna            Senior Lecturer of the Department of World History of the Fergana State University, Uzbekistan  

    (*) Corresponding Author



archeology, archaeological expedition, history, international cooperation, stationary excavations, archaeological sites, exploration work, database, archaeological information system of Central Asia


The article discusses issues related to the development of archeology in Central Asia and the Samarkand region from the middle of the twentieth century to the present. The author focuses on the methodology for conducting archaeological excavations, qualitative changes during joint international archaeological expeditions. The processes of creation and development of the archaeological information system of Central Asia are also shown. The author argues about the importance of creating an archaeological information system of Central Asia and the Samarkand region.


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How to Cite

Komilevna, F. G. . (2021). Establishment and Formation of the Archaeological Information System of the Samarkand Region in the Soviet Period and in the Years of Uzbekistan’s Independence. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 16.



Philosophy. Psychology. Religion