Influence of geoinformation technologies to sustainable development of territories

  • (1)  Lelechenko Anzhela            The National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine  

    (*) Corresponding Author



geographical information technologies, geographical information systems, geospatial data of the territory, sustainable development, Public administration, Public authorities


In the course of the study the features of application of geo-information systems and technologies in the management of territories are disclosed. The definition of territorial information management systems as information systems for management of territories that provide processes for the development of optimal spatial solutions is based on the use of up-to-date, reliable and complex geo-information necessary for the implementation of the functions of management of the territory by local authorities. It has been established that geo-technologies, "GIS + Internet", transform geographic information into a universal, economically and socially significant subject of consumption. Today it becomes obvious that the use of geo-information systems and technologies at the local level significantly reduces the cost of maintaining a register of spatial information (land, real estate, engineering communications) and significantly increases the accuracy and relevance of spatial information through centralized management and correct editing of spatial data.


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How to Cite

Lelechenko Anzhela. (2020). Influence of geoinformation technologies to sustainable development of territories. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 1, 28-31.



Philosophy. Psychology. Religion