Pragmatics Analysis on Conversational Implicature Used in Mulan (2020) Movie

  • (1)  Yensi Nurisa Simaremare            An Undergraduate student, English Education Department, Universitas HKBP Nommensen, Indonesia  

  • (2)  Wita Cendana Nainggolan            An Undergraduate student, English Education Department, Universitas HKBP Nommensen, Indonesia  

  • (3)  Herman Herman            A Lecturer, English Education Department, Universitas HKBP Nommensen, Indonesia  

    (*) Corresponding Author



Pragmatics, Implicature, Conversational Implicature, Cooperative principle, Movies


The research intends to analyze the sorts of dialog and non-observerance observed in the film Mulan, using Grice's theory (2020). This study was carried out using the descriptive qualitative approach. The sort of research is content analysis. As data, the film script for Mulan (2020) was used. In addition, according to Grice's theory, two types of conversational implications exist: a widespread dialog implicitness and a specific dialogic impact and there are 5 sorts of non-compliance maximums: the flushing of a maximum, the infringement of a maximum and the suspension of a maximum. When the researchers collected and analyzed data, they used the data collection, data reduction, data display and conclusion of Miles, Huberman and Saldana idea. In addition, several table and diagram utilized by researchers to accurately describe and measure the data. The results of this study demonstrate that Mulan (2020) movie has 29 utterances that indicate the implications for dialogue. These include 17 widespread dialog involvement (59%) and 12 specialized involvement. Included in the total (41 percent ). In the film from Mulan (2020) it was found that a maximum of 17 data or 58 percent is flouting characters, which is higher than maximum violations, save for maximum manner violations of 9 data or 32 percent. However, the speech of characters in Mulan (2020) film does not contain the other maximum non observance like suspending a maximum and infringing a maximum.


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How to Cite

Simaremare, Y. N. ., Nainggolan, W. C. ., & Herman, H. (2021). Pragmatics Analysis on Conversational Implicature Used in Mulan (2020) Movie. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 15.



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