Theoretical and Practical Significance of the Teaching Folklore in the Education Stages

  • (1)  Nazokat Yusufjonova Nigmadjonovna            Tashkent State University of Uzbek language and Literature Named after A.Navoi, PhD student Tashkent, Uzbekistan  

    (*) Corresponding Author



comparative training, method of teaching, narrative folk tales, education program, folklore, traditional motifs, comparative analysis


Today’s unique development is owing to the implementation of the initiatives on development of the education, improvement of the quality of the education, improving the role and place of the teachers in the society and appreciating their deeds. Studying folklore, which reflect understanding and showing individuality of a nation, motivations, life style and outlook, is to study history of ethnos, their customs, traditions, feelings, past, present and future. Popular epics play an important role in the spiritual perfection of the mankind.

There has analyzed significance of the studying folklore in the educational system of Uzbekistan and educational, training, and developing aims of the lesson which dedicated to teach Uzbek and Indian folk epics on the basis of comparative-typological analysis were structured in this article.


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How to Cite

Nigmadjonovna, N. Y. . (2021). Theoretical and Practical Significance of the Teaching Folklore in the Education Stages. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 15.


