The formation methodics of skills of analytical thinking through the development of mathemathical competencies in the students of elementary schools

  • (1)  Djurayeva Perdegul Saidovna            Navai Regional Institute of in-service training of pedagogs  

    (*) Corresponding Author


development of Mathematical Literacy competences, formation of analytical thinking skills by developing mathematical competences in primary school students, pedagogical phenomenon, research activity, mathematical literacy competency, Special Research object


Formation of analytical thinking skills through the development of mathematical competences in primary school students, the use of collaborative and intensive methods, orientation to full coverage of the effectiveness of teaching mathematics on the basis of the application of innovative techniques, innovation technologies, mastering of new knowledge, skills and competences in the field.


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How to Cite

Saidovna, D. P. . (2021). The formation methodics of skills of analytical thinking through the development of mathemathical competencies in the students of elementary schools. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 12, 481-487. Retrieved from


