SMART-technologies as a factor of building modern society

  • (1)  Erkin Khurramovich Yusupov            Institute of Enterpreneurship and Pedagogy  

    (*) Corresponding Author


education, modern society, SMART education, SMART technologies


The article is devoted to the role of SMART technologies in the modern society. The article discusses the challenges facing modern society and education, the introduction of modern "smart" systems, their role in the development in pedagogy, methodology, natural science, distance and online learning, teaching methods of informatics. There is no doubt that our time is the Smart time. The development of smart technologies is almost like an avalanche. Just yesterday, a new quality of life for us was personified by "smart" houses, where equipment and systems in automatic mode, without human intervention, serve the daily needs of individual families living in them. The article also provides information on SMART education.


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How to Cite

Yusupov, E. K. . (2021). SMART-technologies as a factor of building modern society. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 12, 108-112. Retrieved from


