Analysis of anthroponyms on the basis of ethnolinguistic factors

  • (1)  Jumaeva Dilnoza Bakhshulloevna            Navoi state pedagogical Institute  

    (*) Corresponding Author


Anthroponym, pragmatics, proper nouns, ethnolinguistic factors, nouns, semantics, common nouns, name and surnames, novel , toponyms, corps, pragmatist, ethnonyms


This article investigates anthroponyms through ethnolinguistic factors and provides an overview of anthroponyms. The features of proper nouns were revealed using the instance of "Ufq." The work's heroes' names are interpreted ethnolinguistically; the names of the heroes play an important role in deepening the work's ideological and artistic content, strengthening its national spirit, nationalism, and typification of images and events in the work. The names used in the play are classified primarily based on their scope of meaning as well as the language to which they belong. The social orientation of anthroponyms as a special group of proper nouns is a distinguishing feature, which is initially demonstrated by examples of their manifestation in a specific or distinctive function.


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How to Cite

Bakhshulloevna, J. D. (2021). Analysis of anthroponyms on the basis of ethnolinguistic factors. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 12, 102-107. Retrieved from



Social Sciences