Pheromons and the influence of ecological factors on them

  • (1)  Khonkhodzhaeva Nodira Bakhtiyarovna            University named after Nizami  

  • (2)  Mukhamedzhanova Milena Khamdamovna            University named after Nizami  

    (*) Corresponding Author


physical factors of the environment, environment, pheromones, highly volatile substances, releasers, primers, stimulants, pesticides, chemicalization of agriculture, agrocenosi, environmental problems, chemical pollution of the environment, research perspective,, synthetic pheromones, pheromone signals, pheromone traps, methods quantum theory, adsorption, temperature, energy, chemical formula of pheromones, atomic structure of pheromone, disparlyure


Pheromones help alter the behavior, physiological and emotional state or metabolism of other individuals of the same species. Pheromones have found their application in agriculture. When combined with various types of traps, pheromones that lure insects can kill a significant number of pests.

This article shows the concept of pheromones, their specific significance, as well as their significance for biological species, ways of their possible use for human needs, as well as the influence of external physical environmental factors on pheromones. In modern environmental conditions, this issue is most acute, and research in this area is very promising. Pheromones are one of the types of external stimuli that affect the behavior and physiological state of humans and animals, a complex of special olfactory signals.


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How to Cite

Bakhtiyarovna, K. N. ., & Khamdamovna, M. M. . (2021). Pheromons and the influence of ecological factors on them. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 12, 85-92. Retrieved from




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